Your battery tests at Auto Services are free and if you are unlucky enough to need a replacement we can supply batteries with a 3 and 5year warranty to meet your vehicles need .All of our technicians at Auto Services are certified and fully trained in the lasted AGM style stop/start batteries so fitting and…
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Free battery tests at Auto Services Lisburn and all batteries covered by a three year warranty
If you see one of the team out and about don’t be afraid to say hi if you need assistance!
hope you don’t need this vehicle anytime soon but if you see one of the team out and about don’t be afraid to say hi!
If your ecu can’t be mapped via the obd port contact Auto Services to take advantage of our bench Remapping service all ecu,s catered for mods and electronic repairs and fault deletes
Auto services Lisburn can offer many DPF solutions and Remapping to improve the performance and economy of your vehicle please contact us for a quote today
“At Auto Services we understand the importance of a thoroughly checked and road safe vehicle that’s why we provide a professional MOT preparation service.” By testing and inspecting a vehicles condition for road worthy status an expensive unexpected bill can be avoided by having a pre-MOT check. At Auto Services Lisburn we offer full MOT…
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